They can improve our mental health and wellbeing, helping to reduce anxiety, depression and stress.
They can enable us to identify and express our concerns and generate a sense of purpose.
They can spark our imaginations.
They can support us with major life challenges by making us feel more empowered, engaged and resilient.
They can bring us together, so we can share thoughts and feelings, make meaningful connections and imagine new possibilities.
They can help us to understand and empathise with others, building bridges so we can live together better.
They can make our villages, towns and cities more vibrant and interesting places to live.
They can give us a shared identity and sense of belonging.
The cultural sector contributes billions of pounds a year to the UK economy.
It supports local businesses and a wide range of other sectors: from hospitality to retail, transport to tourism.
The arts can cultivate our creativity, driving greater innovation and entrepreneurship.