We can creatively express ourselves in lots of different ways, including:
Painting, drawing, making prints and graphics, photographing, sculpting…
Singing, dancing, acting, playing music, telling jokes, telling stories, performing poetry, cabaret, circus, magic…
Poems, plays, novels, stories, music…
Textiles, costumes and fashion, woodturning and carving, jewellery, pottery, architecture…
Filmmaking, animation, computer games, digital art…
…and by mixing these mediums together.
The oldest known drawing by human hands is thought to be 73,000 years old.1
From Blombos Cave, South Africa.
Cave paintings from over 9,000 years ago show people dancing together.2
From Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, India.
In 1928, the first ever TV drama was broadcast in New York. The Queen’s Messenger was adapted from a radio play by the London-born writer J. Hartley Manners.6
They are the films and TV shows we watch, the music we listen to, the stories we read, the clothes we wear, the computer games we play, the buildings we live in.
Investing in and supporting creative skills produces a vibrant culture from which everyone benefits.