Best Local Authority Arts Champion - Officer 2019
As Chief Executive of Stockton Borough Council (SBC), Neil has ensured his passion and belief in the transformative powers of arts and culture have been embedded in the ethos of the entire Council. The borough of 194,000 people is one of the most deprived areas in England, with huge health and economic inequalities. During the last 10 years, Neil has championed arts and culture at every level, within the local authority, sub-region and wider. He has personally led a major town centre transformation programme with culture at its heart, and empowered the area’s key arts organisations to take international leadership roles, enhancing their reputation and putting Stockton on the map.
Stockton residents experience amazing arts and culture on their doorstep. The town and wider borough thrives culturally where others are struggling to replace failing retail and traditional public offers. The 2018 Grimsey review featured Stockton as a best practice case study, and highlighted the arts-led SBC strategy: “the strong collaboration between the Council and the arts community is highly valued” (p 45 –
Stockton has been recognised in APSE (Association of Public Service Excellence) awards and via conference presentations for culture-led regeneration. Neil personally attends all size and scale of arts and music events, and encourages other officers to do so – ensuring visibility and accessibility to the sector and public.
Neil has managed to put culture at the heart of place in a real and tangible way, and this should be applauded.
"To see a local authority base the regeneration of their town around culture - and to maintain this for over a decade - is worth of celebration. Stockton faces major challenges, but has ensured that it has not become defined by them, putting Stockton squarely on the cultural map of the UK.
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